newmpusal 20*20-溯源 mpusal 20*20-Traceability

date of issue:2024-07-17

Looking back on the past 20 years and looking forward to the next 20 years of the Taoyuan City Indigenous Culture Center

Since the opening on July 10, 2004, the Taoyuan City Indigenous Culture Center has undergone continuous growth and transformation, and it has become the cultural center, industrial center, Aboriginal language promotion center, and employment activity center for all indigenous groups in Taoyuan City. Over the past two decades, we have worked tirelessly to improve the center’s diverse functions and services. It’s expected that in the next 20 years, we can continue to create a better Taoyuan City Indigenous Culture Center, so that the aboriginal people can see a brighter future and continue to shine in culture, industry, employment and other aspects.

In the past twenty years, the success of the center cannot be separated from the efforts of our working partners. They have put a lot of effort into business management, content innovation and tour guide explanations. It is hoped that in the future the center will continue to thrive under the blending of multiculturalism and become a more diversified, open and attractive cultural landmark.
We hope not only the Aboriginal people can enjoy the various resources of the center but we’ll attract people with different backgrounds to visit here, so that the Taoyuan City Indigenous Culture Center can become a place for multicultural integration and illuminate more people's lives with different lights. It is also expected that with everyone's joint efforts, the Taoyuan City Indigenous Culture Center can create another 20 years of unlimited boom and become a beautiful scenery in Taoyuan City and even the country!

黑展間 館藏與功能
Black Exhibition Room  Collection and Function

In terms of exhibition room planning, the black exhibition room will focus on the hall functions and collections. The black walls of the exhibition room will be preserved to create an immersive feeling of walking through a historical corridor. The wishes and blessings of the past presidents and important figures are displayed here. In addition, the artists' introductions and works in the museum's collection, creative public relations products, and a wealth of past awards are shown here. It also leads viewers to understand the functional evolution of the hall through sound and images.

白展間 成果與紀錄
White Exhibition Room  Achievements and Records


The White Exhibition Room is planned with a focus on images of achievements and historical materials. Through the display of a chronicle of events and a film on the 20th anniversary of the center's achievements, visitors will be guided through the history of the center's development. At the same time, the exhibition is publicized with announcements of past important events to bring the exhibition closer to its reality, and an interactive wall is set up to provide visitors with the opportunity to participate in the space and give their blessings and support to the center.


本年度也很榮幸能夠邀請到六都8館於會館三樓共同規劃聯合展,在主題設定上,將8館的「8」橫放,便是「無限」符號。主題以此作延伸設計,命名為「 vekalan無限世」 ,旨在表達現今的成果皆是過往一步一腳印的累積,同時亦飽含未來將無限延續與傳承之美意,期望與各館攜手共創美麗藍圖
This year, we are also honored to invite the six cities’ eight indigenous culture centers to jointly plan a joint exhibition on the third floor of the center. In setting the theme, the "8" of the eight centers is placed horizontally, which is the symbol of "infinity."The theme is an extension of this design, named "vekalan-Infinity," which aims to express that the present achievements are the accumulation of the past step by step, and it also contains the beauty of the infinite continuity and inheritance in the future, hoping to create a beautiful blueprint together with all the indigenous culture centers.