植物介紹-馬藍 Plant Introduction of Sudu Ngucun

date of issue:2021-06-16

馬藍 Sudu Ngucun(賽德克語)





Sudu Ngucun (the Kari Seediq word for Strobilanthes cusia, also known as malan in Chinese)

Malan is a perennial herbaceous shrub that grows in low-altitude valleys, typically on hills facing away from the sun. It is an opposite-leaved cruciferous plant, in Taiwan blooming around December and blanketing the valleys with a magnificent scene of beautiful light-purple flowers.

Malan is an important ingredient for plant-based dye in Taiwan. Leaves can be processed into a light indigo paste, by way of sedimentation. The color evokes the broad blue sky and the deep blue sea. This malan-based indigo dye is has a long history of use in the traditional blue shirts and other clothing of Taiwan’s aboriginal groups, and later also flourished in Minnan and Hakka cultures. In addition to its beauty, fabric colored with malan dye also repels mosquitos and other insects.

In aboriginal Thao culture, all parts of the malan plant were used. Leaves were processed to produce a liquid coloring agent, adding beauty and providing protection from insects. Roots, stems, and leaves of the plant, found to have mild detoxifying properties, were dried and used in medicine. Malan has great potential a revival in modern times.