植物介紹-苧麻 Plant Introduction of kgi

date of issue:2021-06-16

苧麻 kgi(泰雅語)




Kgi (the Atayal word for Taiwan’s ramie plant of the Urticaceae family)

Kgi (ramie) is an herbal plant with a productive life span of up to 30 years. It grows upright, up to 2 meters tall, with soft hairy stems and leaves. Historically, in aboriginal cultures processed kgi ramie fibers have been an important material for weaving traditional costumes. Although it is impossible to know exactly when, it is widely believed kgi ramie was first brought to Taiwan over 1000 years ago, probably by different groups of people migrating from different places.

Currently going through a revival due to research by Yuma Taru and others, kgi ramie is being used in a wide variety of ways involving all parts of the plant and its life cycle. This includes, of course, as a fabric for weaving; as fertilizer/irrigant (water absorbing ramie fiber nutrients) for fruit, vegetable, and fish farming; grinded stems as chicken coop floor covering; grinded stems mixed with corn starch, as 3D-printing material; dried leaves processed into animal feed; and roots processed from 4-year-old plants, used in medicine. The kgi ramie plant is playing an important role in modern aboriginal economic development.